We specialize in acupuncture treating various pain relief including neck pain, low back pain, sciatica/spinal disc hernia, frozen shoulder, headache/migraine, carpal tunnel, tennis/golf elbow, plantar fasciitis, weight management, insomnia, infertility, sinus/allergies, stress, menopause, stroke, IBS, smoke additions ect.
Dr. Liansheng Liu has over 35 years experience and is a licensed acupuncturist in Rhode Island.
Dr. Liansheng Liu DA., Ph.D
Dr. Liansheng Liu graduated from the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine majoring in Acupuncture in 1986. He gained valuable experience by working as the Chief Resident in one of China's largest Oriental Medicine Hospitals of Acupuncture Department, employing a holistic approach that combined Traditional Chinese Medicine with Western Medicine for diagnosing and treating various ailments. Dr. Liu also served as a clinical practice teacher for international students from countries like Germany, Australia, and the United Kingdom.
Furthering his academic journey, he pursued a Ph.D. in Medicine and received a prestigious scholarship from the Japanese government. Dr. Liu conducted pioneering research, blending the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine, particularly meridian theory, with contemporary Western Medicine to explore the effects of acupuncture in pain suppression. These groundbreaking findings were published in the peer-reviewed journal Neuroscience Research in 2000.
Dr. Liu's research interests encompass a wide range of medical fields, including pain management of acupuncture, neurodegenerative and endocrinological diseases, anticancer treatments, stem cell biology and transplantation, nutrition's impact on bone development, and the utilization of Chinese herbs in treating osteoarthritis and arthritis. Over the years, he has contributed numerous publications covering various topics, such as acupuncture analgesia, cancer, brain sciences, neuroendocrinology, stem cells, and pathology.
With over 35 years of experience, Dr. Liu has built an outstanding reputation for his patient-centered approach and effective treatments. He is a licensed acupuncturist in Rhode Island and offers local community discounts for Care New England and Brown University. Beyond his professional endeavors, Dr. Liu enjoys sports like basketball, badminton, and swimming. Additionally, he is proficient in three languages: English, Chinese, and Japanese.
WORK WITH Dr. liansheng liu in Rhode Island
Dr. Liu's compassionate approach has transformed the lives of countless individuals grappling with pain and addiction. Hear from how he’s helped our patients regain control and find newfound comfort in their daily lives.
Over 35 years experience
Dr. Liu brings a wealth of experience to every acupuncture session. His extensive expertise and deep-rooted understanding of traditional Chinese medicine ensure personalized, effective treatments for each and every patient
Dr. Liu was honored to showcase the therapeutic advantages of acupuncture to an enthusiastic medical audience during New England Employee Health Week. Read about him shedding light on the effectiveness of acupuncture treatments for a range of medical conditions.